Shevchenko Monuments Around the World
Immediately following his death, progressive forces began a movement to preserve the memory of Taras Shevchenko. The Russian sculptor M. Mikeshin's sketches for the monument entitled "Russian Millennium" in Novgorod and the one to Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Kyiv, revealed that he was planning to incorporate either the figure of Shevchenko or personages from his poems. However, the tsarist government prevented the realization of this project. Shevchenko's literary friends and admirers made many appeals to the government requesting permission to raise funds for a monument to him. Unfortunately, their attempts were unsuccessful.
Prior 1918, attempts to commemorate Shevchenko were either amateurish or privately sponsored. In 1881 a small bust of him was mounted in Mangyshlak. It existed only until 1920. In 1899 a marble bust by the Russian sculptor V. Beklemeshev, was placed in front of the Women's Sunday School on Khrystya Alchevska's estate in Kharkiv. She was school principal at the time. In 1903 another monument was raised in Sedniv, Chernihiv province, on the estate of Lyzohub (sculptor F. Balavensky). It was destroyed in 1943 during the Second World War.
The people's reverance for Shevchenko is reflected in the numerous monuments to him throughout the cities and villages of Ukraine. Construction was by local craftsmen and the work was funded through public donations. Among the many villages where the statues can still be found are: Kolomyia, Kosiv, Vovchyntsi, Nadiiv in Ivano-Frankivsk province; Lysynychi, Vynnyky, Pustomyty, Dobriany in Lviv province; Loshniv and Dobromyry in Ternopil province; Zavadiv village, near Drohobych.
Following the October Revolution 1917, responsibility for commemorating Shevchenko came under government jurisdiction. In 1918, statues to Shevchenko were erected in Moscow (sculptor S.Volnukhin) and Petrograd, (sculptor Ya. Tilberg). The same year, a temporary monument finance by popular donation was erected in Romny, Sumy province (sculptor I. Kavaleridze). Temporary statued were placed in Kyiv (1919 sculptor F. Balavensky), in Kharkiv (1921 sculptor B. Kratko), in Odesa (1920), in several villages in the Mirhorod region (sculptors unknown); and in Brovary and Kniazhychi, Kyiv province as well as elsewhere. A three-metre granite statue by the amature sculptor A. Panasenko was mounted in the village of Lesky, Cherkassy province and in 1924, a two-metre bust by the amateur sculptor Bulah-Hrypych was mounted in the town of Bohodukhiv, in Kharkiv province. Among the monuments to Shevchenko created by the sculptor K. Tereschenko were the original statue in Kaniv (cast, iron, 1923) and the ons in Shpoli (cement and brick, 1926), in Horodysche (cast iron and granite, 1926), in Kerelivka (1929) and in Moryntsi (1939) , where Shevchenko's parental home was located. The latter to two statues were replaced by those created by the sculptors M. Vronsky and O. Oliynyk, and the architect Zvarov in 1956 and 1957.
In 1925 the Government proclaimed the Taras Shevchenko burrial site and the surrounding lands a state preserve. In 1939 two outstanding monuments to Shevchenko were erected in Kaniv and in Kyiv respectively (sculptor M. Manizer, architect: E. Levinson). The statue created by the sculptor I. Melgunov and erected in Konotop in 1939 was replaced in 1959 (sculptor Ya. Krasnozhon).
In the period following World War II, aproximatelly about 200 monuments to Shevchenko were built in the towns and villages throughout Ukraine. The most notable of these were erected in Dnipropetrovsk (cement, granite, 1949; sculptor Ivan Znoba- replaced in 1959 by a cast-iron statue by sculptors I. and V. Znoba and architect L. Vytvytski; in Mukachevo (reinforced concrete, 1952; sculptors: S. Rykhva and Y. Dzyndra); in Donetsk (bronze, granite, 1954; sculptors M. Vronsky and O. Oliynyk, architect V. Shaparenko); in Sumy (reinforced concrete, 1957; sculptor Y. Krasnozhon); in Yahotyn (1959; sculptor Mykola Malynka); in Lozivka, Ternopil province (limestone, 1961; sculptors: Ya. Chaika, and E. Mysko); and in Korsun-Shevchenkivsky (acrylic resin, 1960; sculptors: M.Vronsky and O. Skoblykov). A significant event in the cultural life of the USSR was the raising in 1964 of the bronze-and-granite monument to Shevchenko in Moscow (sculptors: M. Hrytsiuk, Yu. Synkevych, A. Fuzhenko, architects: A. Snytzarev, Yu. Chekaniuk). Monuments to the bard also stand in Fort Shevchenko on the Mangyshlak peninsula ( cast plaster, 1927; amateur sculptor Atrau), in Ashkhabad (bronze, granite, 1972, sculptor M.G. Lysenko; architects A. Ihnaschenko and A. Akhmetov) and in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
The poet's great reknown has spread far beyond the borders ofhis homeland. In 1951 a monument to Shevchenko, Ukraine's generous gift to Ukrainians in Canada, was erected in Oakville, near the city of Toronto (bronze, granite, sculptors: M. Vronsky and O. Oliynyk; architect V. Hnezdilov). The statue was stolen from the Oakville park in December 2006 and only the head of the statue survived. It is located in the Shevchenko Museum in Toronto. Another monument to Shevchenko in Canada was erected in Winnipeg in 1961. Three years later, in 1964, a Shevchenko monument was placed in Washington D.C. In 1979 a bronze-and-granite bust of the poet was mounted in Arrow-Park, near New York City (sculptor V.Borodai, architect A. Ihnaschenko). Sculptor Arhipenko created a statue of Shevchenko that is located in Soyuzivka Resort, Kerhonkson, New York State. In 1971 the first monument to Shevchenko appeared in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina (granite). The bust of Shevchenko, erected in France in 1974, was a present from the city of Kyiv to Chalette-sur-Loing (bronze, granite, sculptor O. Skoblykov; architect O. Malynovsky). Another monument to Taras Shevchenko in France was unveiled in Paris. There are two monuments to Shevchenko in Brazil. One was unveiled in Curitiba in 1967; another one, located in Prudentopolis, was erected in 1989. There are Shevchenko monuments in Italy, Poland and Romania. The most recent monuments to Shevchenko were erected in Tbilisi, Georgia (March 2007) and in Budapest, Hungary (July 2007).
People of all races, nationalities, beliefs and political views see the erection of monuments to Shevchenko as a demonstration of deep respect and love for Ukraine's national genius, and as international recognition of his contribution to world culture. According to the former director of the Shevchenko National Museum in Kyiv, Serhiy Halchenko, there are now over 600 Shevchenko Monuments in the world.

Berezova Rudka, Poltava Oblast
Location: before the Zakrevskyi-family home, visited by Shevchenko in 1843, 1845, 1846.
Sculptor: V. I. Bilous Architect: Y. V. Shyraiy Photographer: Serhiy Klymenko

Bohorodchany, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Unveiled: 1994
Sculptor: M. Lozynskyi

Brody, Lviv Oblast
Location: Central Square
Unveiled: July 25, 1993

Cherkasy, Cherkasy Oblast
Location: corner of Shevchenko Boulevard & Dashkovysh Street.
Unveiled: 1964, to commemorate the 150th annivesary of Taras Shevchenko's birth.
Sculptor: M. K. Vronsky, O. P. Oliynyk Architect: V. G. Gnezdilov

Chernihiv, Chernihiv Oblast
Location: Chernihivskyi Val
Unveiled: 1992
Sculptor: V. A. Chepelyk

Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi Oblast
Location: Central Square
Unveiled: 1999
Sculptor: M. Lysakivskyi

Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
Unveiled: 1949, dismantled in 2007
Medium: cement, granite
Sculptor: I. Znoba, V. Znoba Architect: L. Vytvytskiy

Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
Unveiled: 1961
Medium: cast iron, granite

Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
Location: before the T.H. Shevchenko Ukrainian Drama Theatre
Unveiled: August 24, 1992
Sculptor: V. Nebozhenko Architect: V. Polozhiy

Donetsk, Donetsk Oblast
Location: before Donetsk City Hall
Unveiled: 1954
Medium: bronze, granite
Sculptor: M. Vronsky, O. Oliynyk Architect: V. Shaparenko

Drabiv, Cherkasy Oblast
Location: Drabiv Ethnographic Museum
Medium: reinforced concrete

Dubno, Rivne Oblast
Location: Danylo Halytskyi Street.

Hrebinka, Poltava Oblast
Unveiled: 1989 to commemorate the175th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko's birth.
Sculptor: V. I. Bilous Architect: O. F. Okhrimenko

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Unveiled: May 22, 2011 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Shevchenko's reburial
Sculptor: L. Mol

Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Unveiled: 1997
Sculptor: Y. Skakun

Kamianske, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
Location: Himnazychnyi Prospekt
Unveiled: June 3, 2000
Medium: granite, stone
Sculptor: G. Hachatryan Architect: Y. Belogorodov, O. Chehorka

Kaniv, Cherkasy Oblast
Location: Tarasova Hora
Unveiled: 1939
Medium: bronze, granite
Sculptor: M. Manizer Architect: Y. Levinson
Karlivka, Poltava Oblast
Location: Poltavskyi Shlyakh, near the museum.

Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast
Location: Shevchenko Park
Unveiled: March 24, 1935
Medium: bronze, feldspar
Sculptor: M. Manizer Architect: Y. G. Langbard Photographer: V. Rudenko

Khodoriv, Lviv Oblast

Khomutets, Poltava Oblast

Kniazhe, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

Kovalivka, Cherkasy Oblast
Unveiled: 1964 for the 150th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko's birth
Medium: reinforced concrete

Kyiv, Kyiv Oblast
Location: Shevchenko Park across from the Shevchenko State University
Unveiled: March 6, 1939
Medium: cast bronze, pink granite
Inscription: "T. H. Shevchenko 1814-1861" with an excerpt from the poet's immortal Zapovit.
Sculptor: M. Manizer Architect: Y. Levinson

Kyiv, Kyiv Oblast
Unveiled: 1918
Medium: concrete
Sculptor: I. Kavaleridze

Luhansk, Luhansk Oblast
Location: Heroes of World War II Park
Unveiled: May 22, 1998
Medium: bronze, granite
Sculptor: I. Chumak

Lutsk, Volyn Oblast
Location: before the Volyn National University
Unveiled: March 9, 1995
Sculptor: E. Kuntsevych Architect: O. Stukalov, A. Bidzilya

Lviv, Lviv Oblast
Unveiled: August 24, 1992
Sculptor: V. Suchorskyi, A. Suchorskyi Architect: Dyba, Y. Kromey

Moryntsi, Cherkasy Oblast
Location: Central Square with a plaque at the village entrance
Sculptor: Veronskyi, Oliynyk

Moysivka Village, Cherkasy Oblast
Unveiled: 1964, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko's birth.
Medium: reinforced concrete, cemented brick
Plaque Inscription: "T.H. Shevchenko, 1814 - 1861". Shevchenko visited Moysivka June 29, 1843.

Myrhorod, Poltava Oblast
Location: near 126 Gogol Street
Unveiled: 1971
Copy of the monumenent before Hotel Ukraina, Moscow
Sculptor: M. Hrytsyuk, Y. Synkevych, A. Fuzhenko Architect: A. Snytsarev, Y. Chekanyuk

Nadvirna, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Unveiled: 1994
Sculptor: V. Hurmak, V. Cherkes

Novi Sanzhary, Poltava Oblast
Location: Novi Sanzhary City Park

Novohrad-Volynskyi, Zhytomyr Oblast

Odesa, Odesa Oblast
Location: Taras Shevchenko Park
Unveiled: 1966
Sculptor: A. Belostotskyi, O. Suprun Architect: H. Topooz

Poltava, Poltava Oblast
Location: Petrovskyi Park
Unveiled: 1925
Medium: reinforced concrete
Sculptor: I. Kavaleridze

Popelnyky Village, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

Pyryatyn, Poltava Oblast

Rivne, Rivne Oblast
Location: Independence Square
Unveiled: 1999
Sculptor: P. Podolets, V. Stasyuk

Romny, Sumy Oblast
Unveiled: October 27, 1918
One of the earliest monuments to Taras Shevchenko.
Sculptor: I. Kavaleridze

Serafintsi Village, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Unveiled: 1994
Sculptor: V. Sivko

Shevchenkove Village, Cherkasy Oblast
Unveiled: 1992, on the homestead of Shevchenko's parents in Shevchenkove village, formerly Kerelivka.
Sculptor: A. Kushch

Shevchenkove Village, Cherkasy Oblast
Vandalized in 2015

Shramkivka, Cherkasy Oblast
Unveiled: 1964, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko's birth.
Medium: reinforced concrete, cemented brick
Sculptor: S. I. Hrabovskyi

Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea
Location: entrance to Shevchenko Park

Snyatyn, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

Sokolska Hora, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Unveiled: 1990
Sculptor: V. Odrekhivskyi, V. Odrekhivskyi Architect: K. Malarchuk

Subotiv Village, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Unveiled: 1924
Sculptor: local craftsmen

Sumy, Sumy Oblast
Location: Taras Shevchenko Park
Unveiled: 1957
Sculptor: Y. Krasnozhon

Ternopil, Ternopil Oblast
Location: by the regional Shevchenko Musical-Drama Theatre
Sculptor: M. Neveselyi

Tuchapy, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

Vinnytsia, Vinnytsia Oblast
Location: before school #30

Vinnytsia, Vinnytsia Oblast
Location: near Museum of History
Unveiled: March 14, 2014
Concept: Anatoliy Haidamaka
Sculptor: V. Tsysaryk

Yahotyn, Kyiv Oblast
Location: before high school #3
Unveiled: 1972
Sculptor: I. Honchar Architect: Y. Kovbasa

Yalta, Autonomous Republic of Crimea
Location: Shevchenko Square
Unveiled: December 8, 2007
Sculptor: Leo Mol

Yesupil Village, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Unveiled: June 11, 2000
Sculptor: V. Dovbenyuk Architect: V. Luchkiv

Zhytomyr, Zhytomyr Oblast
Location: intersection of Shevchenko and Velyka Berdychevska Streets
Unveiled: 1979
Sculptor: B. Karlovskyi Architect: P. Biryuk

Zolotonosha, Cherkasy Oblast
Location: entrance to the City Park
Unveiled: July 20, 1993
Medium: bronze, granite
Sculptor: O. A. Haiduchenya, P. F. Movchyn

Zvenyhorod, Cherkasy Oblast
Unveiled: 1981